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Housing Committee Minutes 03/15/06
Housing Committee Minutes
March 15, 2006
Town Hall

Present:        Bill Randol, Zelda Gamson, Andy Goldman, Jim Feiner, Josh Scott, and Deborah Cini, Administrative assistant.

Call to Order:
Mr. Randol called the meeting to order.

The minutes of February 21, 2006 were approved as written.

Vice-Chair Selection:
In lieu of Mr. Schwab's absence for the coming weeks, Mr. Randol was nominated as Vice-Chairmen. Motion approved with four ayes.

Mr. Randol approved Ms. Cini's additional hours for the CPA Workshop and Citizen Planner Training Collaborative.

Middle Line Road Update:
Two issues currently hamper the Middle Line Road Project.  The first issue is regarding Mr. John Abrams of South Mountain Company. Mr. Abrams has a possible conflict of interest as he was contracted with the Town as the Planner for the Feasibility Study. Mr. Abrams is also a member of the Island Housing Trust and the Island Affordable Housing Fund. The second issue was regarding the usage of CPA funds and the length of the land lease. Mr. Rappaport contacted Josh Davis; an attorney familiar with CPA usage, with a list of questions regarding the leasing of town owned land and CPA related items. Mr. Rappaport is awaiting a response from Mr. Davis and Mr. Abrams is awaiting a determination from the Ethics Commission.  

The CHC discussed the possibility of John Stainton reviewing concerns about the CPA and leasing of the land with this project. Ms. Cini was instructed to see how much of the CPA money, that was voted for the Middle Line Road project, is currently available.

Other Sources of Affordable Housing:
Ms. Gamson reviewed the document she created entitled: Other Sources of Affordable Housing. The urgent items on the list are Peaked Hill, the unpaid tax takings, the Engley property, and Estate Planning. It was suggested to have Mr. Schwab speak with Mr. Osnoss about being a point person for Peaked Hill. Mr. Feiner is working on information for the Engley property. The Tax takings for Map 12 Parcels 21 and 23 are out of Land Court and will be about a year before any action can be taken on these properties.

Meeting Adjourned @ 9:00p.m.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.